lunedì 27 settembre 2010

Sant' Erasmo Island


is an island in the Venetian Lagoon lying north of the Lido and north east of Venice, Italy.

The island was a port attached to Murano in the 8th century, but is now known for market gardening.
Ruined fortifications, including the so-called Torre Massimiliana (Tower of Maximilian), ring the isle.
Forts existed in the island as early as the 16th century.
After the fall of the Republic of Venice, the French built here a stronghold in 1811-1814.
After Napoleon's defeat, the Austrian Archduke Maximilian of Austria Este had a tower built here in 1843-1844, and also found here refuge during a revolt.
The tower has a polygonal base of 25 m and is surrounded by a ditch.
On the upper floor up to 13 cannons could be housed.
It was used by the Italian Army as late as World War I.
An annual boat race takes place during the summer.
Sant'Erasmo is also known for the waders on sand banks in the Lagoon surrounding it.

è un'isola della laguna Veneta settentrionale, la seconda per estensione dopo Venezia.
Si trova al centro di un ideale triangolo formato da Murano, Burano e Punta Sabbioni.
La particolare posizione insulare e la natura fertile dei terreni ne hanno determinanto il suo carattere agrario-lagunare.
Già alla fine del ‘500 Francesco Sansovino nella sua opera Venetia, città nobilissima et singolare, si riferiva a Sant’Erasmo come a un’isola ricca di orti e vigneti che riforniva "alla città copia di herbaggi, e di frutti, in molta abbondanza e perfetti".
L’isola conserva a tutt’oggi una vocazione agricola (tipiche primizie sono le castraure, carciofini colti precocemente) e per questo viene considerata l’Orto di Venezia.
È raggiungibile, con collegamenti orari, sia da Venezia (Fondamente Nuove) che da Cavallino-Treporti con la linea 13 dei vaporetti ACTV. È una delle poche isole in cui possono transitare autovetture.

lunedì 20 settembre 2010

Torcello Island

Torcello is a quiet and sparsely populated island at the northern end of the Venetian Lagoon. It is considered the oldest continuously populated region of Venice, and once held the largest population of the Republic of Venice.
The Venetian Lagoon - Torcello is in the top right corner, part of what is drawn as a continuous peninsula coming out from the mainland.

After the downfall of the Roman Empire, Torcello was one of the first lagoon islands to be successively populated by those Veneti who fled the terra firma (mainland) to take shelter from the recurring barbarian invasions, especially after Attila the Hun had destroyed the city of Altinum and all of the surrounding settlements in 452. Although the hard-fought Veneto region formally belonged to the Byzantine Exarchate of Ravenna since the end of the Gothic War, it remained unsafe on account of frequent Germanic invasions and wars: During the following 200 years the Langobards and the Franks fuelled a permanent influx of sophisticated urban refugees to the island’s relative safety, including the Bishop of Altino himself. In 638 Torcello became the bishop’s official see for more than a thousand years and the people of Altinum brought with them the relics of Saint Heliodorus, now the patron saint of the island.
Torcello benefited from and maintaining close cultural and trading ties with Constantinople, after the fall of the western Roman Empire, but as a rather distant outpost of the Byzantine Empire it could establish de facto autonomy from the eastern capital.
Torcello rapidly grew in importance as a political and trading centre: In the 10th century it had a population of at least 10,000 people and was much more powerful than Venice. Thanks to the lagoon’s salt marshes, the salines became Torcello’s economic backbone and its harbour developed quickly into an important re-export market in the profitable east-west-trade, which was largely controlled by Byzantium during that period. Fortunately for the island of rivus altus (see Rialto), the lagoon around the island of Torcello gradually became a swamp from the 12th century onwards and Torcello’s heyday came to an end: Navigation in the laguna morta (dead lagoon) was impossible before long and the growing swamps seriously aggravated the malaria situation, so that the population abandoned the worthless island bit by bit and left for Murano, Burano or Venice. It now has a population of around 20 people.

The former splendour of Torcello’s numerous palazzi, its twelve parishes and its sixteen cloisters has almost disappeared since the Venetians recycled the useful building material. The only remaining medieval buildings form an ensemble of four edifices.
Today's main attraction is the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, founded in 639 and with much 11th and 12th century Byzantine work, including mosaics (e.g. a vivid version of the Last Judgement), surviving. Other attractions include the 11th and 12th century Church of Santa Fosca, which is surrounded by a porticus in form of a Greek cross, and a museum housed in two fourteenth century palaces, the Palazzo dell'Archivio and the Palazzo del Consiglio, which was once the seat of the communal government. Another noteworthy sight for tourists is an ancient stone chair, known as Attila’s Throne. It has, however, nothing to do with the king of the Huns, but it was most likely the podestà’s or the bishop’s chair.
Torcello is also home to a Devil's Bridge, known as the Ponte del Diavolo or alternatively the Pontecello del Diavolo (devil's little bridge).

One of the most famous fans of the island’s decayed and contemplative charm was Ernest Hemingway who spent some time there in 1948, writing parts of Across the River and Into the Trees.
It is also prominently featured in Harold Pinter's play Betrayal, based on events in an affair he had in the 1960s with Joan Bakewell, the pivotal event of which occurred when she was vacationing in Venice.